Features of pillow top mattress Cushion Surface: Unlike the Other mattress padding layer, the pillow top layer mimics a mattress topping, although it is bonded to the mattress’s top layer. It is a little divided cushion layer on top of your mattress. Yes, there is a visible gap between the top layer and the comfort layer of your mattress. But, as the name implies, it resembles a pillow rather than an extra mattress layer, and it is only a fragile layer that adds comfort. Density and thermal management: The thickness of a pillow top mattress is on the higher side, and temperature regulation is one of the ultimate features. However, despite its lesser density, a pillow top mattress might contribute to temperature insulation because the layer is neither a natural part of the mattress nor helps regulate heat. In addition, the pillow top reduces any thermal flowability that would occur as a result of a firmer mattress overall. Consider a pillow top if you have an average or healthier BMI and can live with the occasional or generally warmer sleeping experience. Because of this, the pillow top mattress is a good alternative for relaxing in freezing regions. Pressure distribution: Because of its thinner and lower density, a pillow top mattress has better pressure distribution than other mattresses. While the pillow top is designed to provide comfort, it might be less effective for solid support. The pillow top layer can help make the experience more pleasurable, but it will not provide additional support.